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位置: 一館五樓1509A室

Location: R.1509A, Fifth floor, Building 1, Yuan Ze University

研究方向說明/Research Directions

決策支援系統(Decision Support Systems)之需求分析、設計、建置與評估優化照護系統(U-care Systems)之需求分析、設計、建置與評估供應鏈管理之整合性規劃(Integrated planning for Supply Chain Management)、物流管理之車輛途程與排程規劃(Vehicle routing and scheduling for Logistics Management)

To analyze the demand, design, develop and evaluate decision support systems and U-care Systems. Plus, to evaluate the Integrated planning for Supply Chain Management and Vehicle routing and scheduling for Logistics Management.

Yuan Ze University

No. 135, Yuandong Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 32003, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Phone: +886-3-463-8800 ext.2601


桃園市 32003 中壢區遠東路 135 號

電話:(03) 463-8800 轉2601

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