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職稱 教授
研究領域 電信政策(Telecommunication Policy)、數據服務管制(Data Service Regulation)、社會企業與輔導(Social Entrepreneurs and Leadership)、大數據分析(Big Data Analytics)
E-mail ychou@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

電話 (03) 4638800 分機: 2764
實驗室 資訊社會創新研究室


  1. Liu, Yuli & Yuntsai Chou (2018). Big data, the Internet of things, and the interconnected society. Telecommunications Policy (SSCI, rank: 12 of 72 (communication), impact factor: 1.594), 42(4), 277-281. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2014). The stalemate of cable digital switchover: A study of competition effects and deregulation. Telecommunications Policy (SSCI, rank: 12 of 72 (communication), impact factor: 1.594), 38(4), 393-405. 
  1. 李天申、周韻采(2014)。重大災害資訊治理模式之交易成本分析。政治科學論叢 (TSSCI),59,91-118。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2013). Access deregulation in deploying the next generation infrastructure: An econometric analysis of mandatory unbundling. Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI, rank: 55 of 72 (communication), impact factor: 0.393), 6(2), 133-156. 
  1. 周韻采 (2010)。固網寬頻之開放競爭政策。月旦法學,185,141-150。 
  1. 周韻采 (2010)。下世代固網管理機制: 論開放市話迴路之政策效果。法令月刊,61(1),72-73。 
  1. Liu, Chorng-Jian, Yuntsai Chou (corresponding author), Shyang-Hua Wu, & Yi-Shin Shih (2009). The public incumbent’s defeat in mobile competition: Implications for the sequencing of telecommunications reform. Telecommunications Policy (SSCI, rank: 12 of 72 (communication), impact factor: 1.672), 33(5-6), 272-284. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai & Kung-Chung Liu (2006). The paradoxical impact of asymmetric regulation in Taiwan’s telecommunications industry: Restrictions and rent-seeking. Telecommunications Policy (SSCI), 30(4), 171-182. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai, Chiwei Lee, & Jianru Chung (2004). Understanding m-commerce payment systems through the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Business Research (SSCI), 57(12), 1423-1430. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2004). Allocating Spectrum Institutionally: A Study of Property Right & Policy Credibility. IO: Regulation, Antitrust & Privatization, SSRN. 
  1. 周韻采 (2003)。制度與頻譜核釋:財產權與公信力的實證研究。政治科學論叢 (TSSCI),19,203-224。 
  1. 周韻采 (2003)。電子化政府績效的比較研究:以政府入口網站為例。公共行政學報 (TSSCI),9,35-58。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2003). G-commerce in East Asia: Evidence and prospects. Journal of Interactive Advertisement, 4(1), 1-13. 
  1. 江耀國、周韻采 (2002)。有線電視與電信產業匯流:相關法律議題與解析。政大法學評論(TSSCI),70,87-148。 
  1. 周韻采 (2002)。資費爭議、科技創新與電信服務競合之研究:以099隨身碼服務為例。公平交易季刊 (TSSCI),10(4),1-18。 
  1. 周韻采 (2001)。『第三波電信管制革新』之芻議。理論與政策 (TSSCI觀察名單),15(4),16-30。                                     
  1. 周韻采 (1990)。台灣經驗之再現及其轉型。政治學刊,創刊號,65-109。


  1. Yuntsai Chou (2018.6) The anti-competition measures and policy remedies in the data economy. The 22nd Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Seoul, South Korea. 
  1. Yuntsai Chou (2017.6) The alternative polling in the 2016 presidential election in Taiwan: The analysis of the Facebook user profiles and interactions. 2017 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of International Telecommunication Society, Kyoto, Japan. 
  1. Yuntsai Chou (2016.6) The alternative polling in the 2016 presidential election in Taiwan: The analysis of the Facebook user profiles and interactions. The 21st Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  1. 周韻采(2016.5) 政府當前的挑戰與因應:開放政府與廉能治理。台灣公共行政的自省與躍升:學術與實務整合學術研討會議,台灣,新北。 
  1. Yuntsai Chou, Hsienming Lien and Weimin Hu (2015.10) A compensation model developed to increase spectrum usage efficiency in the 4G era. ITS Regional LA Conference, Los Angeles, USA. 
  1. 周韻采、連賢明、葉承鑫 (2015.7) 頻譜配置之使用效率與公平競爭。行動寬頻業務暨6GHz頻段釋照議題研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2014.11). A compensation model developed to liberalize spectrum in the 4G era. International Telecommunication Society 2014 Biennial Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2014.5). The stalemate of cable digital switchover: A study of competition effects and deregulation. 12thAnnual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens, Greece. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2014.4). Transaction costs and trilateral governance in the information management of calamities. Midwest Political Science Association 72ndAnnual Conference, Chicago, the US. 
  1. 周韻采 (2013.12) 寬頻匯流之競爭與發展。雲端時代之通訊傳播匯流法論壇,台灣,台北。 
  1. 李天申、周韻采 (2013.10)。巨型災變的資訊成本分析。2013第三屆建構公民社會倫理效能與善治國際學術研討會,台灣,新北。 
  1. 周韻采 (10)。異質頻譜釋出的管制架構:以4G為例。通訊傳播法的管制革新政策法律司法與兩岸研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采 (8)。4G頻譜拍賣規則之檢討。前瞻雲端之4G釋照:雲端時代的行動寬頻研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采、郭添源 (2012.12)。數位電影典藏商業授權計價機制研究。第八屆數位內容國際學術研討會,台灣,台南。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2012.11). The policy deadlock of digitizing cable TV in Taiwan: an AHP on the stakeholders' interests. International Telecommunication Society 2012 Biennial Conference, Bangkok, Thailand 
  1. 周韻采 (2012.1)。兩岸電信設備採購與國家安全之兼籌並蓄。數位匯流下電信產業的未來發展高峰論壇,台灣,台北。 
  1. Yuntsai Chou (2011.6). The ladder of spectrum regulation and market competition. 2011 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of International Telecommunication Society, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  1. 李天申、周韻采 (2011.5)。臺灣災防資訊之跨域治理:交易成本的反思。2011年台灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會國際研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采 (2011.1)。WiMAX後的4G時代—台灣4G政策發展芻議。從國家資源有效分配與產業鏈發展談 4G 標準論壇,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2010.6). De-regulating the next generation wireline broadband? An econometric analysis of open access. International Telecommunication Society 2010 Biennial Conference, Tokyo, Japan 
  1. Wang, Huei Huang & Yuntsai Chou (2010.4). Rethinking the e-government theories: the rise of social media during Typhoon Morakot. International Conference on Society and Information Technologies, Orlando 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2010.1). Marketing the information infrastructure of public private partnership. The 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology, Macau.
  2. 周韻采 (2009.12)。下世代固網管理機制研析: 開放接續之政策建議。下世代固網寬頻之政策白皮書研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2009.12). Next TV: the stalemate of digitizing cable TV and the transaction-cost policy remedies. CPRsouth4 –SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER, Negombo, Sri Lanka 
  1. 周韻采 (2009.11)。資訊建設的治理:臺北市無線寬頻之政策行銷研究。第一屆發展研究年會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采 (2009.10)。基礎建設導向或服務導向的競爭政策? 檢視開放市話迴路與有線電視數位化之政策效果。通訊傳播法制學術研討會--自律與他律的對話,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采 (2009.8)。有線電視數位化的僵局及政策解方。有線電視數位化政策白皮書研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 劉孔中、周韻采、簡維克 (2008.12)。電信事業跨平台結合之競爭規範。第十六屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采、劉恩廷 (2008.11)。數位匯流法制化下的「層級管制」分析。全國科技法律研討會,台灣,新竹。 
  1. 周韻采、李淳 (2008.9)。對匯流法制革新推動架構與策略之建議。通訊匯流政策之革新與策略座談會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2008.9). The public incumbent defeat in mobile competition: Implications for the sequencing of telecommunications reform. 19th ITS European Regional Conference, Rome, Italy 
  1. 周韻采 (2008.6). 數位匯流法制化下的「層級管制」分析。創造技術匯流新局研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai & Don-yun Chen (2007.5). Reforming the pharmaceutical procurement mechanism in Taiwan: An appraisal of the experience in Taipei City Hospital. International Symposium on Local Governance Innovations and Civil Society Development, Hangzhou, China. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2006.2). Open access toward convergence: A prospective view with the inauguration of the NCC. The Convergent Future: Regulation of Taiwan's Pay-TV Industry Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  1. 周韻采 (2006.1)。資訊治理的新模組:台北市民生活網之公私合營研究。數位治理:機會與挑戰圓桌論壇,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2005.9). A seamless city: the case study of Taipei’s WiFi project. The 16th ITS European Regional Conference, Porto, Portugal. 
  1. 劉崇堅、周韻采、吳祥華、石以欣 (2005.5). The Public Incumbent’s Defeat in Mobile Competition: A Revisited Study of Telecommunication Reforms. 第六屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會,台灣,高雄。 
  1. 周韻采 (2004.9)。後3G時代頻譜管理暨市場競爭議題。數位匯流趨勢與市場競爭研討會,台灣,台中。 
  1. 周韻采 (2004.6)。無線網路基礎建設之政策議題。議題與視野-數位台灣政策研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采 (2004.5)。開放用戶迴路政策之競爭效果評估。第二屆管制革新研討會-寬頻網路發展與用戶迴路開放,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2004.5). A transcendence of market and hierarchy: A supply-side study of e-government and e-governance. International Symposium: New Models of Governance in Comparative Perspectives, Chayi, Taiwan. 
  1. 鍾瑞芳、周韻采 (2003.10)。寬頻網路使用者特性與VOD付費意向之研究。台灣網際網路研討會2003,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2003.9). G-commerce in East Asia: Evidence and prospects。中華傳播學會2003年會,台灣,新竹。 
  1. Chen, Jubin & Yuntsai Chou (2003.6). The regulatory reform in the cable industry under convergence: A transaction cost analysis of the quota regulation. The ITS Asia-Australia Regional Conference, Perth, Australia. 
  1. 周韻采、蔡順百 (2003.6)。政府商業化或商業政府化:政府入口網站的跨國比較研究。民主治理與台灣行政改革學術研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2002.12). Government in Business or Business in Government. the ITU Telecom Asia 2002 Forum, Hong Kong. 
  1. 呂子凡、周韻采 (2002.10)。通信頻譜分配之新模式-「開放接續OPEN ACCESS」應用於頻譜管理之研究。網路與知識經濟學術研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2002.8). [Open access] to convergence: A comparative study of the US and Taiwan. the ITS 14th Biennial Conference, Seoul, South Korea. 
  1. 周韻采、鍾健如 (2002.6)。華山論劍:行動電玩產業的競爭分析。數位與類比:寬頻世界中光影轉型與匯流--兩岸暨香港影視媒介發展學術研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai, Chiwei Lee, & Jianru Chung (2001.7). A lesson of network effects: The payment systems over e-commerce in Taiwan. the Conference on Telecommunications and Information Markets, Karlsruhe, Germany. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2001.7). The open access issue during the convergence of telecommunications and cable TV. The 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of International Telecommunication Society, Hong Kong. 
  1. 劉孔中、周韻采 (2001.3)。3G特許執照及其發放應有之正當程序。3G時代應有之通信法律環境系列研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 周韻采 (2001.3)。『第三波電信管制革新』之芻議。政策分析的理論與實務學術研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. 陳炳全、周韻采 (2000.12)。電信與有線電視跨業經營:開放接取之研究。2000全國電信研討會,台灣,桃園。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2000.10). E-cash: network effects, social trust, and public policy. the International Conference on the Theories and Practices of Electronic Commerce, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (2000.10). E-cash: network effects, social trust, and public policy. 台灣網際網路研討會2000,台灣,台南。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai & Kung-Chung Liu (2000.9). Political economy and the outcome of asymmetric regulation in the telecommunications industry: A case study of Taiwan. the 11th European Regional Conference of International Telecommunication Society, Lausanne, Switzerland. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai & Karen Metivier-Carreiro (1999.11). Privatizing telecommunications and computer networks: Market vs. hierarchies or market and hierarchies. the 21st Annual Research Conference of Public Policy Analysis and Management: Global and Comparative Perspectives, Washington DC, US. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai & Gerald W. Brock (1998.9). An econometric analysis of institutional factors in telecommunication reform. the 26th Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Arlington, VA, US. 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (1997.10). Internet telephony and its impacts on long distance voice services。第三屆台灣網際網路研討會,台灣,台北。 
  1. Chou, Yuntsai (1994.11). The souls in the dark: the Sino-Japanese films and the Taiwanese spectatorship. the 16th Ohio University Film Research Conference, Athens, OH. 
  1. 周韻采 (1991.7)。台灣石化產業政策的政治經濟分析。新生代論文研討會,台灣,台北。

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