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Shu-Fen Tseng

Job Title Associate Professor
Research Expertise Social Informatics, Digital Divide, Social Media Research, Open Data Analytics
E-mail gssftseng@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Telephone (03) 4638800 ext. 2650
Laboratory Informational Social Innovation Lab

Journal Articles

  • 2016 Tseng, S.F., Tsao, Y.W., Yu, L.C., Chan, C.L., and Lai, K. R. Who Will Pass? Analyzing Learner Behaviors in MOOCs. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning.11:8.  DOI 10.1186/s41039-016-0033-5
  • 2015 Chou, C.Y., Tseng, S.F., Chih, W.C., Chen, Z.H., Chao, P.Y.,  Lai, K. R., Chan, C.L., Yu, L.C., Lin, Y.L.  Radar Charts as Open Student Models of Student Core Competencies. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TETC.2015.2501805
  • 2015 Shu-Fen Tseng and Yuli Hsieh “The implication of networked individualism for social participation: How mobile phone, E-mail, and IM networks afford social participation for rural residents in Taiwan,” American Behavioral Scientist 59:1157-1172.
  • 2013 Shu-Fen Tseng and Yu-Ching You “Digital Divide in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: The Barriers of First Order and Second Order Digital Divide,” chapter 4 inThe Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective, p.147-164, edited by Massimo Ragnedda, Glenn Muschert, NY: Routledge .
  • 2015 曾淑芬 吳齊殷 「數位參與和社會包容:過去與未來」 資訊社會研究 (29):1-27。
  • 2014 曾淑芬 「數位參與:寬頻社會數位融入的賦能器?」收錄於數位包容與寬頻社會論文集, 頁121-138,風雲論壇出版社。
  • 2013 曾淑芬 魏婉筑「社群網站中的社會資本、聲譽管理行為與信任網絡之研究」資訊社會研究 (25):82-105。
  • 2012 Shu-Fen Tseng, Chien-Lung Chan and Po-Wei Huang “Social Networking Environment and Collaborative Learning: An Exploration of iCamp Project” 數位學習科技期刊 4(3):61-76.
  • 2011 曾淑芬 何振誠 「E世代的公民參與行為之研究-以網路知名部落客為例」資訊社會研究 (20)109-131。
  • 2011曾淑芬 「電子化政府與網路化社會」, 收錄於 電子治理:理論與實務的台灣經驗, 第五章, 頁91-97, 五南出版社.
  • 2011曾淑芬 「資訊社會發展議題與政策比較研究」, 收錄於 電子治理:理論與實務的台灣經驗, 第四十二章, 頁837-855, 五南出版社.

Conference Proceedings

  • 2012 Shu-Fen Tseng and Chien-Lung Chan “Beyond Collaborative Learning: The Application of Social Software and Social Networking Sites “, The Asian Conference on Language Learning Conference Proceedings, pp.139-150. The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), ISSN: 2186-4691.
  • 2011 Shu-Fen Tseng, Wei-Chu Chen and Chien-Liang Chi “Online Social Media in a Disaster Event: Network and Public Participation,” Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Application (DICTAP) Conference Proceedings, 256-264. Springer. ISSN: 1865-0929.

Conference Papers

  • 2016 Shu-Fen Tseng & Chiung-Hung Wu “The study of interpersonal layers, heterogeneous networks and social resources on Facebook”, Eastern Sociological Society 86th Annual Meeting, Boston, US, March 17-21.
  • 2015 Shu-Fen Tseng “Intersections of Social Inclusion and Digital Disengagement” Eastern Sociological Society 85th Annual Meeting, New York, US, Feb. 26-March1.
  • 2015 Chih-Yueh Chou, Shu-Fen Tseng et al., “Learning Analytics of Core Competencies: A Comparative Study of Students, Academics, and Industries”, The 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2015, Hanzou, China, Nov. 30-Dec. 4.
  • 2014 Shu-Fen Tseng, et al., “Learning Analytics: An Enabler for Dropout Prediction” The 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014, Nov.30-Dec.4, Nara, Japan.
  • 2014 Shu-Fen Tseng “Digital Inclusion or Digital Exclusion? The Second Order Divide in Taiwan”, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, July 13-19.

Yuan Ze University

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